June 18, 2021
Thank you for attending this session. You may want to consider checking with your program about bringing the 3 part session of this workshop to you. It always makes a difference when the whole staff can discuss and ponder ideas on a topic together! There are many great resources to consider to investigate the ideas around creating a culture of inquiry. Here are a few to consider:
1. Margie Carter and Ann Pelo’s new book, From Thinking to Teaching: A Pedagogy for Reimagining Our Work” is an excellent resource to really consider not only a culture of inquiry, yet many other ideas on how we can create even better classrooms for children, families and staff.
2. From the above book, Child Care Information Exchange is sponsoring an ongoing group on Reimagining Our Work. It may be something you would like to join as the discussions are amazing! Here is the resource in case you want to join: https://www.childcareexchange.com/row/
3. In addition, another book by Deb Curtis and Nadia Jaboneta’s book on Children’s Lively Minds: Schema Theory Made Visible is a great resource too.
4. Last but not least, all those authors and I present through Early Childhood Investigations webinars: https://www.earlychildhoodinvestigations.com/. Past sessions can be viewed there. I have a webinar coming up in September—check it out!
Thanks again for your question and I hope this sets you on your way with an inquiring mind!