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NEW ARTICLE!! Power Dynamics in Early Learning, by Nicole Parks and Judy Jablon
The article for this month’s resources comes from Child Care Information Exchange July/August 2021 issue. This article was written by two colleagues of mine, Judy Jablon and Nichole Parks, both from Leading for Children. The work they are doing across the country on Optimistic Leadership with the purpose of “supporting adults across the early childhood ecosystem in the process of becoming Optimistic Leaders. As an Optimistic Leader, you’re hopeful and willing to find a path forward. You recognize how you affect those around you and have the grit to persevere even when the going gets tough.” This article explores the power dynamics in the ways we use language with adults and children. I will be doing a workshop coming up on August 16th on leadership that connect to some of the ideas from Leading for Children as well as transformational leadership. Check it out and register!
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